Smithsonite, Malachite ps. Azurite, Aurichalcite, Calcite
Sounion Mine #6, Lavrion, Lavreotiki, Attica, Greece
Small Cabinet, 6.8 x 5.2 x 3.8 cm
Ex. Christos Spiromitros

Complexity abounds in this attractive and very intriguing small-cabinet specimen that has a pocket worth of minerals on a single specimen. Sounion #6 is well-known for its Malachite pseudomorphs, and here you can see forest-green balls, up to an impressive 1.2 cm across, of Malachite after Azurite. These, in turn, are followed by two generations of Cuprian Smithsonite. Colored by traces of copper, and possibly Malachite as well, there are two widely-varying habits for the translucent, olive-green Smithsonite. Next came the small balls of spiky blue Aurichalcites, followed by two widely-varying generations of Calcite. Both the Aurichalcite and Calcite provide excellent, appealing contrasts in color and form. Found in 2020, this fascinating piece has an interesting and unique mineralogy to it.