Beryl var. Aquamarine on Aquamarine
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Small Cabinet, 7.0 x 6.7 x 5.8 cm
Ex. William (Bill) Larson

Here is a specimen that is technically aquamarine upon aquamarine - two very different phases of growth where one rounded, golf ball-sized and shaped crystal (4 cm across) formed across the surface of and atop of an etched, larger hexagonal crystal that must have already been there. They formed at probably near the same time, but one after the other in slightly different conditions. It does not look like much at first glance, we admit. But the more you hold it, rotate it, and look at it, the more unusual you realize it really is. A weird combination, and a study in how these things form in the ground in a complex environment that changes even as they form. 288 grams.