Karibibite, Scorodite, and Erythrite
Oumlil Mine, Zagora Province, Draa-Tafilalet Region, Morocco
Small Cabinet, 8.1 x 7.7 x 3.6 cm
Ex. Kurt Hefendehl

From the Oumlil Mine in, Morocco, this attractive association piece features the rare, iron arsenate Karibibite as the contrasting matrix for gemmy crystals of scorodite from this unusual locality. The bright, yellow-orange radiating sprays of Karibibite, to 4 mm, immediately catch your eye, and they are associated with the Scorodite, to 5 mm, which start popping out as you look for them. The contrast in colors and form create a nice, interesting aesthetic, and the abundant microcrystals of gemmy and lustrous Erythrite add even more to the aesthetics. Although the type locality is in the Karibib District in Namibia, the finest examples of Karibibite are those from the Oumlil Mine.