Beryl (Var: Morganite), Beryl (Var: Aquamarine), Tourmaline (Var: Indicolite), Spodumene
Konar (Kunar; Konarh; Konarha; Nuristan) Province, Afghanistan
Cabinet, 9.5 x 8.0 x 7.5 cm
A striking, most unusual combination specimen from the pegmatites of Konar Province, Afghanistan. A very sharp, gemmy, glassy, 5.5 cm wide, vivid pink morganite crystal has an unusual base/core of pretty blue aquarmarine. Surrounding this morganite/aquamarine crystal is a cluster of purple indicolite crystals, glassy, colorless spodumene prisms to 5.1 cm, smoky quartz crystals and cleavelandite blades; all on a matrix of massive albite. The termination of the morganite is pristine. The morganite is excellent quality and the morganite/aquamarine crystal itself, is actually very rare. A dramatic and rare combination specimen from this noted locale.