Malachite (Primary Crystals in Two Pockets, Ex Ae Foote)
Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona
Cabinet, 13.4 x 10.4 x 5.7 cm
Ex. Phil Scalisi
An oldtime malachite showing INTENSE green color, high velvety luster, and unusually good crystals for primary malachite (i.e. robust crystals formed on their own rather than, as usual, as a replacement of previous azurite). The piece shelters two large vugs, 2 and 3 inches across, in a very hevy copper/cuprite ore matrix. The color and brightness are highly unusual for Bisbee, for a malachite. The specimen would have come out around the late 1890s-1910 range, and is attributed to dealer A.E. Foote, who was known to have exported pieces in that era to the East coast market. From the Phil Scalisi collection of classics