Jianshan Mine, Ruoqiang (Qakilik; Chaqiliq) Co., Bayin'gholin (Bayingolin; Bayinguoleng) Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang (Xinjiang-Uygur) Autonomous Region, China
Small Cabinet, 5.8 x 4.4 x 2.8 cm
Any new find of crystallized wulfenite always causes great excitement, and this find in China was no exception (as covered in the Min. Rec.). Most of the specimens, to be sure, had small crystals, though their deep red color made them striking at any rate. THIS specimen, however, has some SIZEABLE crystals - really hard to find from this discovery - including one that measures 1.4 cm across the edge, making it TRULY exceptional! The crystals have top glassy luster and superb color - it you did not get one of these, know that specimens of this quality were quite rare and are basically not available now.