Quartz, Wulfenite, Quartz (Var: Chalcedony)
Finch Mine (Barking Spider Mine), Reagan claims (Regan/Reagan Camp prospects; Lee Reagan property; Lee Reagan prospects; Kullman-McCool group), Keystone Gulch, Chilito, Hayden area
Thumbnail, 5.5 x 4.9 x 4.2 cm
This is a very rare and hard-to-obtain Arizona specimen of wulfenite crystals on light blue drusy quartz! You just do not see these specimens around! All but maybe one or two little wulfenites (to 0.7 cm) are complete and undamaged! We have also photographed the back of the specimen, which has a rich covering of coated wulfenite crystals. 5.5 x 4.9 x 4.2cm