Moscona Mine, Villabona, Asturias, Spain
Cabinet, 15.2 x 10.5 x 6.0 cm
Emplaced on a very 3-dimensional limestone matrix is a plate of glassy and gemmy, light golden yellow, fluorite crystals to 1 cm across. The photos do not do justice to the overall impact and 3-D nature of the piece, so you know. These crystals are enhanced by a preferential drusy coating of ivory colored calcite on the fluorites, on certain faces only, which gives a slight but important accent in the form of a winding ribbon, to the overall geometry of the piece. A superb example from this classic locality, in remarkable condition with no damage save some minor contacts at a few peripheral edges - and even those rather minor. This is from a private collection in Spain, accumulated over decades. It is one of the larger, more 3-dimensional pieces I have seen come out in such nice condition.