Meikle Mine, Bootstrap Mining Dist., Elko Co., Nevada, USA
Small Cabinet, 7.3 x 4.8 x 4.0 cm
Ex. Gabriel Risse; Paul Stahl

Meikle Mine produced the best baryte crystals ever found in the USA, and arguably specimens which can compete for best of species in the world. This specimen, with absolutely gemmy crystals to 5.5 cm across in pristine condition, is a superb small cabinet specimen from one of the most famous pockets, the Rustbucket Pocket, found in the late 1990s. It has the best golden color, glassy luster, and transparency. These are beyond rare in this quality, even at the time they came out. It is complete all around. From the noted collection of Paul Stahl, well known for his taste and access to specimens of quality in the miniature and small cabinet size range, to collector Gabriel Risse.