Quartz Prasem Included By Hedenbergite
Isle of Serifos, Kyklades Preecture, Greece
Cabinet, 10.8 x 8.8 x 6.5 cm
This is a damned good example of the classic Greek "prase" anyhow, with dramatic crystals to 5.5 cm leaping up from the matrix. Prasem was the name given to these classic quartzes, colored green by rich inclusion of hedenbergite. But beyond the obvious, it has really neat crystallized hematite rosettes in association, which I have never seen before on these! A coating of soft, fibrous actinolite overlays the "valley" running down the middle of the specimen in which the hematite rosettes lay as well. I like that the actinolite remains, as usually it is completely blown away from the specimen, leaving them "naked."