Beryl Var. Heliodor
Wolodarsk-Wolynskii, Ukraine
Small Cabinet, 6.7 x 3.1 x 3.1 cm (weight 93 grams)
This heliodor has fine color and clarity along with an unusual and broad flat termination that is quite different from the norm. As is common with most of the Ukrainian heliodors, it is highly etched, but even the etch pits have character and beauty and reflect light in a million directions. This particular crystal has such uniform etching on the sides that it looks for all the world like a carving. A big problem in obtaining these pieces now (they were found in 1988) is that the darned things have a lot of gem rough value and so when they turn up, many gem dealers buy them and turn them into aquamarine by heating treatments. Large crystals like this are harder to obtain today. I could sell this right now for 2500 or so just to treat it as gem rough. A Shame!