Quartz, Wulfenite
Finch Mine (Barking Spider Mine), Reagan claims (Regan/Reagan Camp prospects; Lee Reagan property; Lee Reagan prospects; Kullman-McCool group), Keystone Gulch, Chilito, Hayden area
Small Cabinet, 8.8 x 7.5 x 2.9 cm
The Finch Mine is famous for these pseudomorphs of quartz after wulfenite. This striking piece consists of two, distinctly different vugs. One vug is richly filled with reddish-orange wulfenite blades coated with sparkly drusy quartz. The other, starkly contrasting vug is lined with botryoidal, gray quartz with far fewer wulfenite blades. The few broken crystals reveal the quartz-coated wulfenite blades. This mine has also produced the rare specimens where the drusy quartz has totally pseudomorphed the wulfenite crystals.