Quartz, Wulfenite
Finch Mine (Barking Spider Mine), Reagan claims (Regan/Reagan Camp prospects; Lee Reagan property; Lee Reagan prospects; Kullman-McCool group), Keystone Gulch, Chilito, Hayden area
Small Cabinet, 7.8 x 5.9 x 2.9 cm
A SPECTACULAR and UNUSUAL specimen of quartz replacing wulfenite crystals on sparkly, gray, drusy quartz matrix from the famous Finch Mine of Arizona. The large crystal is 5 mm. This is one of the rarest Arizona replacement specimens available on the market. The back has been sawed to enhance display. this stuff is impossible to get today! It came in a few pockets now 15 years or so ago, and I found a small stash recently, but haven't seen others in 4-5 years 7.8 x 5.9 x 2.9 cm