Elbaite (Var: Cuprian Elbaite), Quartz (Var: Milky Quartz)
Batalha mine, Sao Jose da Batalha, Salgadinho, Paraiba, Northeast Region, Brazil
Cabinet, 11.5 x 6.5 x 4.8 cm
Paraiba tourmaline is the RAREST and MOST DESIRABLE tourmaline varietal in the world. The UNIQUE blue color in this elbaite is caused by copper and comes only from the Batalha Mine in Paraiba. This colorful CABINET specimen features a HUGE, 5.5 cm, lustrous, peacock-blue tourmaline crystal aesthetically attached to the side of a milky quartz cleavage. The termination is contacted, not damaged, per se. It is opaque and rough, but still, is what it is.