Goma, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Miniature, 5.3 x 1.8 x 1.6 cm
$6,500.00 Payment Plan Available
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The 2020-21 finds of shocking gem tourmaline in Goma produced a veritable rainbow of crystals. Of them all, shocking strong greens and deep pure yellows seem to be the most rare. The best crystals, looking back on this from a decade later, might be the most unusual. This crystal has the glassy look, the ridiculously sharp termination, and that unusual color: This superb, glassy and gemmy crystal exhibits three distinct colors but mostly the rarest, yellow. The top half of the crystal features a light lemon yellow hue, which gives way to a light rose pink hue and then a dark rose pink at the base. The mass is 36.4 grams.