Paprok, Nuristan Province (Nurestan; Nooristan), Afghanistan
Miniature, 4.0 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm
Here we have a superb miniature size multicolor crystal with attractive steep pyramidal terminations, glassy luster and excellent gemminess. Afghanistan has truly produced some of the most attractive Tourmaline specimens around for the last 25 years or so, and they have really held their own against Touramlines from other world localities. This crystal has a beautiful pink termination that ranges into a colorless "Achroite" zone, and switches over to a rich blue-green zone for about 3/4 of the crystal. Please note that blue-green section of the crystal is slightly more yellow than the photos indicate. The crystal is complete all the way around, and very attractive. It is becoming more and more difficult to obtain superb quality Tourmalines from Paprok for decent prices, as the locals seem to be charging more and more for them after each new find.