Beryl (Var: Aquamarine)
Guaratinga (Jaqueto), Bahia, Northeast Region, Brazil
Large Cabinet, 18.0 x 2.0 x 1.75 cm
This is a doubly-terminated aquamarine from Jacqueto, now an infamous locality for this very unique sort of beautiful aquamarine crystallization. Most of them are either smallish and pricey anyhow, or so big and fat that they have to be priced as gem rough. This is the only one I have had that is a "good" price range so that I feel it is really a value for the price, AND is just plain large enough in size to have IMPACT. It is a beautiful SEAFOAM-BLUEGREEN BRAZILIAN blue color with some strange internal shimmers that add visual interest. It sounds silly to say, I know, but it really looks like the crystal from the Superman movie. The term's are perfect. The luster is glassy. What more could you ask? Comes with custom lucite base, as shown. 18 x 2 x 1.75 cm (105 grams)