Silvermines, County Tipperary, Ireland
Miniature, 5.7 x 4.1 x 3.3 cm
This specimen is from a small find made by the late Richard Barstow in the mid-1970s when he happened to, by luck, come across this mine as they were blasting and had broken into a pocket of incredible galenas which he was allowed to take away. All good specimens in modern collections, I am told, came from this serendipitous find. This piece was sold by him in 1980 and consists of a remarkably equant cuboctohedral crystal (with such development, this is the rarest crystal style from the place), with a more octohedral cuboctohedral crystal perched atop and peeking over, all perched on matrix! It is as fine a miniature as I could imagine from what I have seen, and is again for this particularly well developed crystal habit a notable piece. From the miiature/rarities suite of Lawrence Conklin, who exchanged it from the American Museum of Natural History.