Smoky Quartz (Really Twisted Gwindel)
Goschenen Valley, Canton Uri, Switzerland
Small Cabinet, 7.0 x 6.3 x 2.3 cm
Ex. Dr. Ed David
From the famous collection of Dr. Ed David, this has always been one of my favorite of his quartzes because of the incredibly dramatic twist to the piece. Gwindels are by definition twisted, but as George Orwell would say...not all gwindels are equal. This piece ALSO has great luster, good tapering form from base to tip, and the rich smoky color that you should desire most in a classic Swiss gwindel. It has a few minor dings around the very bottom crystals but otherwise is pristine as it coils upwards. For overall impact, this is a stellar examplar of this classic habit and locality for the size and price range. I frankly would have bought it even at this price to sell for more, if I had to. Its just that good.