Adamite var. Cuprian
Christiana Mine, Lavrion, Lavreotiki, Attica, Greece
Small Cabinet, 8.0 x 6.7 x 2.9 cm
Ex. Christos Spiromitros
$1,800.00 Payment Plan Available
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A rich and large specimen of this high level of quality for the species. A scintillating carpet of Cuprian Adamite covers the matrix side to side, creating a virtual field of newly driven, sparkly, mint-green 'snow'. The gemmy microcrystals of Adamite, in rounded and glassy clusters, are extremely aesthetic with their color, luster, and the topographical relief created by the rolling clusters which gives the piece even more of a charismatic look. The classic, neon-green fluorescence is present but a bit muted, probably due to the presence of copper. A few small clusters of white aragonite crystals add contrast and interest. Collected in 2018 from the Christiana Mine, in the ancient and historic Lavrion district. This is large example of unusually pristine quality for the size. It is not a flat plate, but instead is very 3-dimensional!