N'Chwaning II Mine, Kuruman, KMF, Northern Cape, South Africa
Small Cabinet, 5.7 x 4.0 x 3.6 cm
Ex. Matthew Webb
$3,500.00 Payment Plan Available
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At the time these came out in a veritable flood of specimens in the early 2000s. The world's best olmiites stunned the mineral community. Here was something very unusual — a vast production of a rare species that literally redefined what rare species collectors thought could exist and ALSO appealed to all other collectors who simply want beautiful and sparkling treasures. To this day, this find is remembered as one of those very few discoveries that provided something for everybody, from the top to the bottom of the collecting spectrum, academic to beauty collectors, and in all sizes. That being said, and there were thousands of them at the time, a few stand out — then and today. This is a very choice large miniature or small cabinet piece of exquisite quality, featuring an isolated 3-cm-across ball of translucent crystals, mounted dramatically. Such size is rare; such isolation is unusual, and the quality even more so. Together, it makes this an important specimen in the size range. Matthew Webb of Melbourne, travelled to South Africa at the time these came out and had a good eye and good access to purchase several specimens which remain notable today. This size and quality in this particular style place it high in its size class. Note, please, that we feel this has exquisite color in person but it is difficult to convey in photos — the mineral changes color in even the most subtle differences in lighting, and looks at its best (more red and more sparkly) in room fluorescents or in sunlight, not in LED light. Hence, it is difficult to video as well.