"Queen of Green" pocket, Diana Maria Mine, Rogerley Quarry, Stanhope, County Durham, England, UK
Small Cabinet, 8.2 x 3.8 x 3.7 cm

While first discovered along with the Rogerley mine by collectors Lindsay Greenbank and Mick Sutcliffe in an abandoned 19th century limestone quarry during the early 1970s, major specimen mining operations did not begin at this specific location until 2017. This new mine - The Diana Maria mine - has been working the veins of the western extension of the Rogerley quarry, producing a number of gemmy green fluorite specimens, which are considered modern classics from the UK. This specific pocket – the Queen of Green pocket – produced some of the finest to date with the best color and luster. This wonderful small cabinet specimen consists of numerous gemmy, green fluorites, with the largest cluster (up to 2.2cm) aesthetically centered on the specimen, along with an association of galena – a classic combination from the Rogerley quarry. There is only expected and minimal damage around the periphery, which is typical from extraction and trimming and does not detract from the aesthetics of the specimen. The fluorite, like all green fluorites from the locality, displays strong daylight fluorescence, glowing a bright purple under even the smallest amount of sunlight. Under UV light, the effect is much stronger. An excellent small cabinet example from these classic finds!