Chalcedony on Chrysocolla Stalactites (Pocket)
Inspiration Mine, Inspiration, Globe-Miami District, Gila Co., Arizona, USA
Small Cabinet, 9.0 x 7.0 x 6.0 cm
Ex. Frank Valenzuela
Valenzuela, Frank obtained this specimen from a fellow miner at the Inspiration, where he was a miner and then a shaft supervisor in the 1950s-1960s. It was collected, he recalls, in the early 1960s. It is a classic example of the quartz-covered chrysocolla stalactites from that time, but unusual in that it was preserved as a whole pocket. The piece glows when backlit, as the top surface is partially translucent and there is a small hole in back of the vug, to let light into the pocket for backlighting. The largest stalactites are 2 cm. The pocket opening is 2 inches across. Overall, a unique, interesting, and very beautiful piece that I have long lusted to obtain from the collection and bring to market. Joe Budd Photos.