Qarsaqbay (Karsakpay; Karsakpai; Karsakpaj), Zhezqazghan Oblysy (Dzezkazgan Oblast'; Dzhezkazgan Oblast'; Djezkazgan Oblast'; Jezkazgan Oblast'), Kazakhstan
Small Cabinet, 8.0 x 5.5 x 3.8 cm
An elegant combo specimen featuring a snow-white scalenohedral calcite crystal rising from a base of iridescent chalcocite (probably coated by bornite) ! The piece really can be displayed either way, with calcite on top or with the chalcocite on top - to equally dramatic effect. Its not a bad chalcocite but, turned calcite side up, its one of the best calcites I have seen from the locality as well 8 x 5.5 x 3.8 cm