Siderite With Dolomite
Morro Velho Gold Mine, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Large Cabinet, 16.1 x 14.6 x 11.1 cm
Ex. Dr. Peter Bancroft
$4,000.00 Payment Plan Available
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Discoidal crystals of gemmy, lustrous, amber-yellow, siderite to 3.0 cm across are interspersed with colorless, lustrous, Dolomite crystals that also reach almost 3.0 cm across. The combination of the two carbonate species together is not unusual since they are both part of the same mineral series, although the aesthetics of the mix really IS unusual! Only a few areas of contact/damage exist on this large specimen. I cannot say as I have seen another piece so large from this mine, of the famous siderite it produced in the 70s and 80s. This is large and beautiful, and probably among the largest surviving example sof this classic siderite.