Fluorite on Dolomite
Shangbao, Hunan Province, China
Small Cabinet, 7.7 x 6.4 x 3.3 cm
This is one of my favorites of the lot, for its graceful elegance. The fluorites are perched n a rather large, slightly curving, twinned dolomite crystal cluster. The gemmy, freestanding fluorites have subtle color gradations and phantoms, and are elegantly perched upon the rim of the porcelain dolomite crystals. The three-dimensionality is MUCH more evident in person, and it has "style" in its flowing form. The fluorite is complete on back faces, and the dolomite plate is also free of damage and complete so the whol epiece taken together is a floater! This is from a new pocket found at the end of 2008, and quietly trickled into Tucson in 2009. It should be remembered as a very distinct style, something different from any we have seen before for the mine or a fluorite combination. NOTE: these exhibit the photographic property of metamerism. They change colors from halogen and professional bulbs (more blue) to indoor fluorescent lighting and even natural sunlight (more green). Examples from both are shown here. The change is startling if you do not expect it, and quite pronounced in the right lighting.