Pink Fluorapophyllite
Pune Dist., Pune Div., Maharashtra, India
Thumbnail, 2.6 x 2.4 x 0.7 cm
Ex. A.L. Kidwell

These came out when I was a young collector, sometime in the early 1980s, and I vaguely recall seeing a few specimens in thumbnail cases somewhere, in Ohio shows, before the appreciation of these rare pink apophyllites was drowned out by a veritable flood of green apophyllite coming out of India. It seems these are literally forgotten by the world! I have not seen them mentioned, published, or in shows. But they exist, and this is a fine, perfect thumbnail specimen that certainly would make a surprising entry in any competitive thumbnail collection case! The crystal cluster is a complete floater, pinwheel rosette of crystals, like a spiral of pink sugar formed in a circle and baked on a cookie tray. It is translucent/transparent and gemmy. It is sparkly. And, it is a solid rich pink color — not pale at all. So, here is a chance to obtain a really unusual talking piece, that is certainly different from the other apophyllite thumbnails in other collections. And, it is simply beautiful on its own merit. This was in a small case of drawers of choice thumbnails owned and set aside by the late Al Kidwell of Houston. We found and obtained his collection out of a storage unit in Houston, where it had lain unseen for 20 years since he passed away.