Las Vigas, Veracruz, Mexico
Miniature, 4.7 x 3.7 x 3.5 cm
Ex. Richard Hauck

Purchased form thhe Zweibels in 1970 for $225, this would have ranked quite highly at the very time the finds were coming out to command such a princely price for a little guy at the time. And, by modern standards, it IS a supremely good miniature with incredible transparency, glassy luster, and fat, pristine crystals in a 360-degree cluster. These are razor sharp and have a brilliant luster. Fat crystals of this quality have not been found since...lots of long skinny ones, some more purple or more gemmy but not usually both. This is a great mix of quality and aesthetics in unusually robust crystals for the miniature size, and thus stands out from others of more modern style from here, quite dramatically.