Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Cabinet, 9.4 x 2.9 x 2.0 cm (122 grams)
Ex. Dr. Peter Bancroft
This doubly terminated, deep orange, lustrous and translucent, crystal of Imperial Topaz, is HUGE!!! REARLY do you see such a beast for sale. In fac, t I can say I have seen only 2-3 others this size. It is heavily crazed or it would have been cut for gem rough material. Yes, the termination is bruised (hard to see) and there is edge damage high up on the left side (sadly, easy to see unles syou turn it edge-on) .... but crystals rarely get this large and it sorta goes with the territory to have one with such size and visual impact (plus the price is downgraded accordingly). Weight is 122 grams