Les Cedres mine, Montdardier, Le Vigan, Gard, Occitanie, France
Small Cabinet, 8.2 x 6.7 x 4.8 cm
Ex. Richard Hauck
$6,000.00 Payment Plan Available
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This large, showy display specimen is a bournonite that is so big and impressive you would be hard pressed to think at first that it is from France of all places! But, this is a superb, unusually pretty specimen from the old Cedres Mine in Gard, France. It is 479 grams (fully 1 pound in weight)! As such, it is a significant bournonite from any location, worthy of display collections that might not normally include something from an old mine that produced important pieces in the day but few that stand up to modern desires for aesthetics. This is from the Richard Hauck collection. He has been at it for over 70 years, and specifically collected major antique specimens that confirm to modern aesthetics, acquiring these treasures as (I believe) the longest consistent buyer of old collections on the East Coast over the late 1900s. It is a pleasure to present such a surprise here.