Wagholi Quarries, Wagholi, Pune Dist., Maharashtra, India
Thumbnail, 3.0 x 2.0 x 1.6 cm
Ex. Shields and Frances Flynn
$1,200.00 Payment Plan Available
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Although this looks like cavansite in color, it is the rarer dimorph by far, pentagonite. Both species have the same chemical formula but different crystal forms, and therefore it is a different mineral species. Pentagonite usually forms slender, elongated crystals whereas cavansite forms spherical aggregates of crystals. This specimen features a "tree" of crystals standing on contrasting white matrix of stilbite! It is the most classic style of pentagonite, which occurs at its best from this region of India and nowhere else in such large crystals. These aesthetic large trees are more durable than they look, and in this size quite uncommon. This is a perfectly balanced thumbnail size. It has exquisite color.