Prehnite Cast After Anhydrite
Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA
Small Cabinet, 7.0 x 6.5 x 6.5 cm
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Like sentinels on guard, three vertical, very lustrous and translucent, light apple-green, prehnite fingers, to 6.1 cm in length, hold sway over the plate below. Amazingly, this plate is composed of two hollow casts after anhydrite that start as one and bifurcate into two separate "fingers," which you see from underneath looking up into the hollows. A wonderful and fascinating specimen with different form from others here - the crystal habit preserving the original anhydrite crystal form that the prehnite replaced, with more fidelity. Complete all around! See the view looking up from the bottom, showing it is hollow (but solid)