Bubblegum Pink Tourmaline
Paprok, Kunar Province, Afghanistan (1998)
Cabinet, 14.0 x 8.0 x 7.0 cm (5.5 inches tall)
Ex. Dr. Ed David
A RICH, JUICY, BUBBLEGUM PINK TOURMALINE from the most famous of all for combination of color and intensity, a pocket hit in 1998. Herb Obodda sold this to Ed at that time. And remember, this to a guy who rarely bought major gem crystals because he just felt they weren't as interesting as all the other mineral species out there...but this pocket surprised everybody. It produced the most intensely colorful large crystals, to date, of the pink tourmalines of this habit and style. They all quickly went into the major collections. This one is pristine, not a ding on it; and has glassy luster. Other tourmalines are pink, but few are THIS PINK. It is also large, complete all around, and very symmetrical.