Chalcopyrite var. "Blister Copper"
Tonglushan Dist., Daye Co., Huangshi, Hubei, China
Small Cabinet, 5.4 x 4.7 x 1.7 cm
$1,450.00 Payment Plan Available
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An unusual example of the rare botryoidal (rounded) formation of chalcopyrite, from a small find in China. This was something new, even for copper and China collectors who thought they had seen it all, and the first specimens in 2019 really surprised us. A few pockets came out in 2019-2020, and we got much of them through visits in 2019, and then a runner while I was stuck in America during COVID. These unusual items are one of the more surprising finds of the last few years. This bright, brassy cluster came to us in a small "COVID-era" find in China in early 2020, but the brassy chalcopyrite clusters (often called blister copper) could initially be mistaken for old, classic finds from Cornwall. Unusual material from ANYwhere, be it China or England!