Schizolite & Aegirine
Wessels Mine, Kalahari Mn Field, N. Cape Prov., South Africa
Miniature, 4.4 x 3.9 x 3.2 cm
$1,800.00 Payment Plan Available
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NOTE: In a bit of confusing name changes, this mineral formerly known as Marshallsussmanite was renamed schizolite by IMA in 2018, according to historical priority. Per Mindat: Described from Greenland by Winther (1901) and named from the Greek for its perfect cleavage. Based on later work (Schaller, 1955) the mineral was "dropped" from valid species status (pre IMA , so no official discreditation). In the early 2000s, the first specimens from the Wessels Mine were thought to be bustamite and later approved by IMA as a new species, marshallsussmanite. This submitted name was later discredited as marshallsussmanite actually matched to the previously described schizolite name that was still on record (2018). Click here to read more.

This matrix specimen features intergrown, translucent, disc-shaped crystals, to 4 mm across, of pastel pink schizolite. There are also a few lustrous, blackish brown crystals of aegirine, to 4 mm in length, attached. This was mined in the second pocket of late 2013.