Wulfenite, Vanadinite (Var: Arsenatian Vanadinite)
Erupcion Mine (Ahumada Mine; Erupcion-Ahumada Mine), Los Lamentos Mts (Sierra de Los Lamentos), Mun. de Ahumada, Chihuahua, Mexico
Miniature, 3.9 x 3.2 x 3.0 cm
A 1.6 cm, pristine, lustrous, blocky, butterscotch-colored wulfenite crystal nicely attached to the side of brown, vanadinite variety endlichite-coated quartz matrix from the famous Ahumada Mine at Los Lamentos, Mexico. An aesthetic specimen with a large, blocky wulfenite crystal. 3.9 x 3.2 x 3.0 cm