Brazilianite on Muscovite
Corrego Frio, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Miniature, 4.9 x 4.3 x 2.0 cm
Ex. Dr. Stephen Smale
This specimen came out in the 1940's when the species was first identified and named brazilianite. Muscovite at the base of the piece makes this a rare matrix specimen, of which few survive today, let alone on the open market. The rich greenish-yellow color, high luster, transparency, and 3-dimensional completeness of this crystal combine to make this a significant brazilianite specimen worthy of any collection. It is pristine and complete all around, save for only a few trivial dings on rear edges and one small ding on a minor frontal edge, not affecting the display view, and for a smooth contact on the right side (again, not affecting the display view). It has one vertical repair, with a seamless junction, that I did not even realize was present until Steve told me is there, but doesn't detract visually, in other words (and I did lower the price accordingly). Brazilianites of this completeness, and aesthetics, from the original finds get more uncommon every year. I buy every good one I can lay hands on. 4.9 x 4.3 x 2 cm