Congreso-Leon Mine, Leon Group, San Pedro Corralitos, Mun. de Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico
Cabinet, 9.5 x 6.2 x 3.9 cm
This is definitely one of the better green mimetite crystal groups from this locality, which has produced the finest botryoidal mimetites in the world bar none for the orange style with which we are all familiar. However, what most of us NEVER see are these weird yellow-green mimetites of same form, from a small portion of the same pocket collected in the early 1970s. The spheres occur in clusters which can reach 1.5 cm across. Originating from a limonite matrix, they have a good deal of 3-dimensionality to them. This piece overall has a nice sculptural appearance. There is one very minor ding atop and some minor damage in one area of the specimen (lower-middle as shown here, at about 4 o'clock) that detracts a little bit, I admit (and hence the price is lowered accordingly). However, in the context of the specimen's rarity and size, and since it displays with that portion towards the bottom, I still like the piece a lot and highly recommend it for "what it is," which is a unique beast that is impossible to replace, so you bear a little damage if need be. (besides, if it doesn't sell as is, i'll just trim it in half and sell the better half for the same price anyhow, as its worth it! but, seems a shame to reduce in size an old piece like this from the start) 9.5 x 6.2 x 3.9 cm