Itauz Mine, Zhezqazghan Oblysy (Dzezkazgan Oblast'; Dzhezkazgan Oblast'; Djezkazgan Oblast'; Jezkazgan Oblast'), Kazakhstan
Small Cabinet, 5.2 x 3.3 x 0.4 cm
A fine Russian copper specimen, showing gorgeous arborescent form, crystallized from top to bottom, from the Itauz mine in Russia. The mine is now NOT producing any more copper specimens. It is hoped it will produce again in the future, as the strip mine widens, but there is no assurance of this. And, in any case, the last batch of specimens that came out was more "brushy" in appearance and did not include these superb, sculptural specimens. This is like a little tree with spinel twins all over it! 5.2 x 3.3 x 0.4 cm