Itauz Mine, Zhezqazghan Oblysy (Dzezkazgan Oblast'; Dzhezkazgan Oblast'; Djezkazgan Oblast'; Jezkazgan Oblast'), Kazakhstan
Small Cabinet, 7.8 x 6.1 x 0.5 cm
An unusually large and showy specimen of beautifully-crystallized copper from Russia! These gorgeous coppers of this form are not coming from the Itauz anymore; it is hoped they will again at some point, as we were all spoiled by the world-class coppers the mine was turning out for awhile as the strip mine passed a series of wonderful pockets. But apparently the mining has moved on around the pit. Anyway, this is just a superb copper specimen in every way, from ANYWHERE - beautiful dendritic form and fine "antique" luster. 7.8 x 6.1 x 0.5 cm