Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico
Cabinet, 12.1 x 10.0 x 6.5 cm
Ex. Marc Weill
Santa Eulalia is the poor stepchild in most people's minds to the commonly seen, more yellow-orange mimetite from the San Pedro Correlitos locality. However, this is only because the good old stuff from here is so rare, and uncommon. This is one of the best I know of, from older finds here (1970s?), and is a solid specimen of splayed, mushroom-shaped rosettes. The crystals are lustrous, slightly translucent, orange-amber colored, really quite unique from the rounded material out of the more common locale (SPC). And for importance, there were a LOT fewer pieces like this found at this locale, so it ranks higher than any comparably sized piece fomr the Ojuela or Correlitos locales in Mexico - and again, has a different look in any case.The largest rosette measures 2.0 cm across. On the back side are a few rhombs of lustrous, white calcite, to 1.0 cm across. This is a very significant mimetite from Santa Eulalia worthy of any collection. It was formerly in the collection of Marc Weill, until an exchange to me in 2007. NOTE: NOT Romero collection, but it fit well with the update and so is included here. Comes with custom lucite base already made for the specimen.