Gloucester Mine, Western Belt, Gamagara Ridge, Northern Cape, South Africa
Small Cabinet, 8.1 x 5.3 x 4.8 cm
Ex. Charlie Key, Vasco Trancoso
$4,500.00 Payment Plan Available
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An incredibly large and rich example of this rare Kalahari region species: Beautiful lustrous and translucent crystals of the very rare lithium-rich red mica, ephesite. This specimen, from the famous Postmasburg finds on a farm in the early 1980s, has mica books (up to 8 mm across) showing the classic hexagonal cross-section of mica. The luster and color are superb ranging from the more typical pink hue into an amazing metallic-red. The specimen is large for the species at 8 x 5 cm. Formerly in the noted African specialist collection of Charles Key (the legendary dealer after whom both keyite and ludlockite is named). Later, for 15 years in the collection of Vasco Trancoso