Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Small Cabinet, 8.0 x 7.3 x 4.5 cm
Ex. James and Dawn Minette; Robert E. Reynolds

Collinsite is a relatively rare calcium-magnesium phosphate hydrate and can form as a secondary alteration product of primary phosphates in pegmatites. This piece is certainly the best small cabinet piece we have seen of the species and the display face is richly covered with several dozen, transparent to translucent, nearly colorless, almost scalenohedral looking, triclinic crystals that average about 4 to 7 mm, which is large for the species. This piece is exceptional for Collinsite with great coverage and little bruising. The Collinsite forms a thick, over 1 cm crust on a piece of milky Quartz. Ex. Robert Reynolds collection with label along with a Carlos Barbosa label. Carlos was legendary, and well known for his own collecting and selling of rare species in Brazil over decades in the mid to late 1900s. Bob would have bought it from Carlos and, given the quality and size, we believe it was likely from Carlos' own personal collection.