Londonite on Microcline
Antsongombato Gem Mine, Antsentsindrano, Anosiarivo Manapa, Betafo, Vakinankaratra, Madagascar
Miniature, 4.7 x 3.0 x 2.7 cm
Ex. Dr. Thomas Campbell
$1,500.00 Payment Plan Available
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Londonite is the rare cesium-rich analog of Rhodizite and although most specimens from both the Malagasy and Russian localities are mixes of the two species, this one was analyzed at the University of Oklahoma and is dominantly Londonite! This miniature is composed of a single, well-formed, rich yellow, satin lustered, translucent, 2 cm Londonite crystal well-displayed on a Microcline matrix. Ex. Thomas Campbell collection with certificate of analysis.