Shijiangshan Mine, Linxi Co., Ulanhad League, Innner Mongolia, China
Small Cabinet, 6.0 x 4.7 x 3.5 cm

Roweite is a rare calcium, manganese borate with hydroxyl. This specimen features a gorgeous rosette, 3 cm across, of slightly translucent, rich tan-colored roweite on matrix. These all came out of a few small pockets in one intersection in the mine and evaporated into the market. They are world's best of species by a factor of 1000 times the previous known examples of this species and set off a real surprise when identified in the lab (I can admit, that I passed on the first ones, assuming the ID to be invalid and that they were weird calcite or something...) This elegant small cabinet piece is among the best I have seen, aesthetically speaking for a collector, and also has a rather large crystal formation. It has now been several years since they were found. I have a larger one, though not a better piece overall, in my own China collection. These are true treasures, almost missed in the haste of mining here.