Sibinndi, Nioro du Sahel Circle, Kayes Region, Mali
Miniature, 3.4 x 3.4 x 2.8 cm
A superb specimen from the exciting find of a couple years back in Mali, four interpenetrating yellow garnets with the excellent luster for this find - very few of them were glassy like this - most were waxy. This one was selected and had been in a private collection until recently. From a knowledgeable collector: "Ugrandites are a rare intermediate between andradite and grossular. In other words, Mali Garnet. This series leans toward the andradite end, in my opinion. What seems to be unique is the very strong presence of chromium. I'm surprised that the body color isn't greener. I imagine that is due to the presence of color killing iron. I thought this might interest you." Well, that is more than what we had known; we had heard that they were under study to see if they were andradite var. topazolite garnet.