Malachite Ps. Azurite on Azurite
Milpillas Mine, near Nacozari, Sonora, Mexico
Miniature, 4.8 x 4.4 x 2.4 cm
This full-sized miniature features a robust, complete, pristine, 3.5-cm-long malachite crystal perched ATOP a cluster of the incredible electric azurites that I think this mine will become famous for. HOW could this happen?! I simply cannot fathom how that one crystal selectively remained a naked malachite pseudo while only the accessory crystals of its "pedestal" gained a thin coating of secondary azurite that makes them a stunning blue., The contrast and 3-dimensionality of this piece are striking and while not the most expensive piece here, it is probably our favorite of the lot for overall aesthetics and color contrast. It is also complete all around, though fully malachite on the back side. I think this association, the full contrast you see here, will prove quite rare for the find.