Big Fish River, Yukon, Canada
Miniature, 3.6 x 1.8 x 1.6 cm
$1,750.00 Payment Plan Available
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This specimen features a perfect, upstanding, HUGE crystal of bobdownsite measuring 2.5 cm across and 1.5 cm tall! The crystal is translucent to transparent, and has in person a very good pearlescent luster and better gemminess than it appears in the photos. This is a spectacular specimen for the species, really redefining the size you can expect for such a crystal. As well, its a fine display miniature. This is one of the choice top specimens found by Rod Tyson at a "private location" in 2005. Note that it is NOT from Rapid Creek.

Per mindat.org: Described as a new mineral in 2008, as the F-dominant analogue of whitlockite.
Later, in 2018, it was discredited because it was showed that it does not contain F, which was its distinguishing characteristic as a new mineral.
F-free bobdownsite is equivalent to the mineral whitlockite, although the phase probably lies along the whitlockite-merrillite join (IMA-17E).