Euchroite (Type Locality)
Lubietova, Slovenske Rudohorie Mts., Banska Bystrica Region, Slovakia
Cabinet, 10.0 x 6.5 x 5.0 cm
Ex. Herb Obodda
A very significant specimen from the TYPE LOCALITY, both for the size and quality of the specimen itself, and the sharpness of the crystals. There are two significant crystals, and a long, thin seam. The large dominant crystal is about .7 cm in size, and it is SHARP AND EQUANT. So few Euchroites reach this size, and retain such symmetry, it seems. I have seen only a few bigger, and those not so well placed on matrix. Probably from the late 1800's, the original label still notes the location as being in Hungary. This is an important specimen from THE significant locality for this species. And, quite attractive, as well.