Apatite-(Caoh), Hornblende
Oksoyekollen (Oksoykollen; Oxoiekollen), Snarum, Modum, Buskerud, Norway
Miniature, 3.5 x 3.4 x 1.5 cm
Not only a very uncommon specimen (a crystal of Norwegian apatite attached to a euhedral crystal of hornblende), but it came with an old label from 1868 on which it is erroneously named "chlorapatite" - the bottom line says: Univ. min. inst.: Elling Gerthus, 1868. This is a wonderful locality piece and a piece of history at the same time. either crystal alone is GREAT for the locale! Hornblende crystals of such sharpness are not common. 3.5 x 3.4 x 1.5 cm